It’s Fall y’all. The weather has finally cooled down enough to make spending time outdoors enjoyable. We want to celebrate the nice weather with our first ever Mantle Realty Fall Festival.
Before I lose your attention, let’s talk about what won’t be happening at our Fall event. Timeshare presentations. Absolutely none of that. Sales pitches. 0. Stuff to spend money on. Nope. This is about having [free] fun in the fall weather at the Festival.
Christi Pitrelli is organizing the festival with the help of Ashley Ponce. There will be refreshments, numerous games and children’s activities, and even a hayride. Bring your family out to enjoy a mini petting zoo, pumpkin tic-tac-toe, coloring, and a pretty amazing photo spot at the Fall Festival. Christi Pitrelli and Ashley Ponce hope to make this one of the most fun community events of the year.
Stop in at 201 Ivy Lane in Lexington, NC 27295. We’ll be there from 2-4 pm. This event is open to everyone. You won’t want to miss our first Mantle Realty Fall Festival.